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Last but not least What are the missing three terms in this sequence AAEH, EKKJ, HMLN, MRUO, ?, ?, ? The answer this week is provided by Kfford-Academy: T, T, W. This is very much like Challenge 16, with the four disciples Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Here is how to get the sequence: Step 1 – Reorder the letters of each term in alphabetical order:matthew -> aehmttwmark -> akmrluke -> eklujohn -> hjno Step 2 – Put these new … Read on
Last but not least What are the missing three terms in this sequence AAEH, EKKJ, HMLN, MRUO, ?, ?, ? (The answer is not ?, ?, ?) This is the last of our GCHQ puzzle challenges for now but we hope to be back with more like this soon. Enjoy …